Standard Components For Plastic Mold 2021



■ Movement of Ball Retainer

■ Ball Retainer Motion

Fig. Ⅰ shows travel distances of the ball retainer and bushing (ejector plate) when the ejector plate strokes from A to B. The ball retainer's travel distance is a half of the bushing's. The ball retainer is inserted between the pin and the bushing with preload applied. Rolling motion of the retainer's built–in balls reduce friction and eliminate possibilities of galling, enabling the ejector plate to stroke smoothly.



Ⅲ . The ball retainer may hit the plate if the difference between S and E is too small.

Ⅰ . Mold closed with the ejector plate returned completely

Ⅱ . The ball retainer may come off if the difference between S and E is too large

Back up plate (retainer plate)

X: Travel of the ball retainer Y: Travel of the bushing (ejector plate) ※ X = 1 2 Y relative travelling distance. ■ How to Mount

Stopper pin

Upper ejector plate

Lower ejector plate Ejector leader bushing

Bottom clamping plate

When L p < 2L B + L 1 −5: The ball retainer protrudes from the pin when set.

When L p ≧ 2L B + L 1 –5: The ball retainer is in the pin.

The ball retainer's travel distance is a half of the bushing's. If the ball retainer's position is not correct, it may cause problems shown in Fig. ⅡⅢ above. To ensure the ball retainer's correct stroking movement, its length must be carefully selected. ■ Table Ⅰ : Ball Retainer Length Selection ※ T dimension is calculated in 4 ways as follows. ① Using a stopper pin or stopper ring (thickness: 5mm) … …… T = Thickness of the ejector plate (upper & lower) + 5mm ② Using a spacer (thickness: 4mm) …………………………… T = Thickness of the ejector plate (upper & lower) + 4mm ③ Combination of ① and ② (as in Fig Ⅰ ) … ………………… T = Thickness of the ejector plate (upper & lower) + 9mm ④ Ejector plate only (neither ① nor ② ) … …………………… T = Thickness of the ejector plate (upper & lower)

Back up plate (retainer plate)

Upper ejector plate

• Using a stopper pin or stopper ring • Using a spacer

Using a stopper pin or stopper ring

② Using a spacer

④ Ejector plate only

Method (pattern)

Lower ejector plate

Upper ejector plate thickness

13 15 15 20 25 13 15 15 20 25 13 15 15 20 25 13 15 15 20 25


Bottom clamping

L p + l 1 2

Lower ejector plate thickness

N = L B + L 1 –5

N =

15 15 20 25 30 15 15 20 25 30 15 15 20 25 30 15 15 20 25 30


plate Stopper pin

Ejector leader bushing

35 (8)

35 (10)

35 (10)

35 (10)


35 35

– – 35 35

– –

– – – 35353535 –


40403535 – 40403535 – 35353535 – 4040404040

Mounting the ball retainer so that the bushing's lower end aligns with the ball retainer's lower end when the ejector plate is fully returned (the mold is closed) as shown in Fig. Ⅱ above. To achieve this, attach the ball retainer to the pin before inserting it into the bushing, and fix it at the N position shown in Fig. Ⅲ / Ⅳ using an O–ring. Then insert it into the bushing. Sliding the pin and bushing by the length of their engagement (C in Fig. Ⅲ and L B –2.5 in Fig. Ⅳ ) should make the lower ends of


45 45 40 40 40 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45

Spacer block thickness


50 50 45 45 45 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50

the both meet, leaving the specified L 1 length. ● To obtain N, calculation of l 1 is necessary. 1. l 1 calculation ① Using a stopper pin or … ……… L 1 = Thickness of the plate (upper & lower) + 5–Full length of the bushing stopper ring ② Using a spacer ………………… l 1 = Thickness of the plate (upper & lower) + 4–Full length of the bushing ③ Combination of ① and ②……… l 1 = Thickness of the plate (upper & lower) + 9–Full length of the bushing ④ Ejector plate only … …………… l 1 = Thickness of the plate (upper & lower)–Full length of the bushing (neither ① nor ② )


55 55 50 50 50 55 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 55 55 55 55 55


60 60 55 55 55 60 60 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 60 60


65 65 60 60 60 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 65 65 65 65 65


70 70 65 65 65 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 70 70 70 70 70

※ Values in ( ) signify the maximum strokes. These combinations make the ball retainer hit the backup plate (retainer plate) before the ejector plate as in the case of Fig. Ⅲ . These values in ( ) also signify the ejector plate's stroke when the ball retainer hits the backup plate. ※ Values not enclosed in ( ) signify combinations that allow the ejector plate to stroke until it hits the backup plate.

L p + l 1 2

(Fig. Ⅲ )

2. N calculation When L p < 2L B + l 1 −5… …………… N =


When L p ≧ 2L B + l 1 −5… …………… N = L p + l 1 –5 (Fig. Ⅳ ) ※ L p : Overall length of ejector guide pin (L p = Actual measured length of the pin for inlay style application) L B : Full length of the ball retainer



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